Welcome to Scrubby Puppy!
We are here because we love doggies – yours, ours, and all the rest – and we believe we provide a great place to wash your dog or have your dog groomed. Scrubby Puppy is a place where people who absolutely love dogs help you take better care of yours!
Our services include:
*Self Wash – save your back and knees with raised tubs!– by appointment (weekday appointments usually available same or next day, weekends book a couple of days in advance with the morning appointments going more quickly). Walk-ins welcome depending on availability.
*Full Service Grooming – just like a hair salon for humans, no cages, kennels or play areas! — by appointment. Please call or email (fastest response) for more information, to book an appointment or to be added to our cancellation list. When emailing with interest in grooming, please include a picture or two of your pup.
*Toe Nail trimming and/or external Anal Gland expression — by appointment. Usually available same or next day. Walk-ins welcome depending on availability.
*Retail – Cookies & Treats, CBD products, Salmon Oil, Specialty Shampoos and more …
*Vet-supervised, anesthesia-free teeth cleaning by Qualified Pet Dental